2024, muktinath, Muktinath Darshan, Nepal Tour

मुक्तिनाथ दर्शन का महत्व, कब और कैसे जाएं

मुक्तिनाथ दर्शन का महत्व, कब और कैसे जाएं

Importance of Muktinath Darshan:

मुक्तिनाथ धाम, जिसे “मोक्ष का स्थान” कहा जाता है, नेपाल के हिमालय क्षेत्र में स्थित एक पवित्र तीर्थस्थल है। यह स्थल न केवल हिंदू धर्म में, बल्कि बौद्ध धर्म में भी अत्यधिक महत्वपूर्ण माना जाता है। यहां की यात्रा से जुड़ी धार्मिक मान्यताओं और इस पवित्र स्थल के महत्व को जानना, हर भक्त के लिए आवश्यक है।

मुक्तिनाथ धाम का धार्मिक महत्व

मुक्तिनाथ मंदिर हिंदू धर्म के 108 दिव्य देशमों में से एक है और इसे भगवान विष्णु के आठवें अवतार के रूप में पूजा जाता है। यह मंदिर नेपाल के मुस्तांग जिले में स्थित है और समुद्र तल से लगभग 3,710 मीटर की ऊंचाई पर स्थित है। पौराणिक कथाओं के अनुसार, इस मंदिर में पूजा करने से भक्तों को जन्म-मरण के चक्र से मुक्ति मिलती है, इसलिए इसे “मुक्तिनाथ” कहा जाता है, जिसका अर्थ है “मुक्ति का भगवान”।

मुक्तिनाथ धाम का उल्लेख विष्णु पुराण, शालिग्राम महात्म्य, और महाभारत जैसे प्राचीन ग्रंथों में भी मिलता है। यहां पर बहने वाली काली गंडकी नदी से शालिग्राम पत्थर मिलता है, जिसे भगवान विष्णु का प्रतीक माना जाता है। यह भी माना जाता है कि यहां स्थित 108 जलधाराओं के नीचे स्नान करने से सभी पापों का नाश होता है और व्यक्ति को मोक्ष की प्राप्ति होती है।

मुक्तिनाथ धाम के दर्शन का महत्व

मुक्तिनाथ के दर्शन का महत्व धार्मिक और आध्यात्मिक दोनों ही दृष्टिकोण से अत्यधिक है। यहां आने वाले भक्तों का मानना है कि मुक्तिनाथ में दर्शन करने से न केवल उनके पापों का क्षय होता है, बल्कि उन्हें जीवन के सभी कष्टों से भी मुक्ति मिलती है। इस मंदिर की यात्रा हर भक्त के लिए एक आध्यात्मिक यात्रा होती है, जहां वे अपने जीवन के उद्देश्य और सच्चाई के करीब पहुंचते हैं।

मुक्तिनाथ धाम न केवल हिंदुओं के लिए, बल्कि बौद्ध धर्म के अनुयायियों के लिए भी महत्वपूर्ण है। बौद्ध मान्यता के अनुसार, यह स्थान गुरु पद्मसंभव से जुड़ा हुआ है, जिन्होंने 8वीं शताब्दी में बौद्ध धर्म का प्रसार किया था। बौद्ध धर्म के अनुयायियों के लिए, यह स्थल एक पवित्र तीर्थस्थल है, जहां आकर वे निर्वाण प्राप्ति की कामना करते हैं।

Other Similar Destinations: Chardham Yatra , kedarnath

मुक्तिनाथ धाम कब और कैसे जाएं? (When and How to visit Muktinath)

मुक्तिनाथ यात्रा का सही समय (Correct Time for Muktinath Darshan)
मुक्तिनाथ की यात्रा के लिए सबसे उपयुक्त समय मार्च से जून और सितंबर से नवंबर के बीच होता है। इस दौरान मौसम सुहावना होता है और यात्रा के लिए आदर्श मानी जाती है। मानसून के दौरान (जुलाई और अगस्त) यात्रा करना मुश्किल हो सकता है, क्योंकि भारी बारिश और भूस्खलन के कारण रास्ते अवरुद्ध हो सकते हैं। सर्दियों में (दिसंबर से फरवरी) यहां अत्यधिक ठंड और बर्फबारी होती है, जिससे यात्रा कठिन हो जाती है।

मुक्तिनाथ कैसे पहुंचे (Travelling to Muktinath)
मुक्तिनाथ धाम पहुंचने के लिए आपको पहले नेपाल के काठमांडू या पोखरा तक पहुंचना होगा। काठमांडू और पोखरा दोनों ही स्थान हवाई मार्ग से अच्छी तरह जुड़े हुए हैं। पोखरा से आप जोमसोम तक की हवाई यात्रा कर सकते हैं, जो मुक्तिनाथ के करीब का हवाई अड्डा है। जोमसोम से मुक्तिनाथ धाम तक पहुंचने के लिए आपको जीप, मोटरसाइकिल या पैदल यात्रा करनी होगी। यह यात्रा कठिन हो सकती है, लेकिन मार्ग में हिमालय की अद्वितीय सुंदरता और प्राकृतिक दृश्यों का आनंद लिया जा सकता है।

जो यात्री साहसिक यात्रा करना पसंद करते हैं, वे पोखरा से जोमसोम तक ट्रेकिंग भी कर सकते हैं। इस मार्ग में आपको प्राकृतिक सौंदर्य, स्थानीय संस्कृति, और हिमालय की विशालता का अनुभव करने का अवसर मिलेगा।

यात्रा के लिए आवश्यक तैयारी

What to Wear in Hillstations like Muktinath Yatra

Click Here to read about what to wear in Hill stations and its journey

मुक्तिनाथ धाम की यात्रा ऊंचाई और ठंड के कारण चुनौतीपूर्ण हो सकती है। इसलिए यात्रा के दौरान गर्म कपड़े, जूते, दवाइयां, और जरूरी दस्तावेज साथ लेकर चलें। पहाड़ी मार्गों पर यात्रा करने वाले यात्रियों को फिटनेस का ध्यान रखना चाहिए और यात्रा से पहले शारीरिक रूप से तैयार रहना चाहिए।

मुक्तिनाथ धाम का दर्शन करना न केवल एक धार्मिक यात्रा है, बल्कि यह एक आध्यात्मिक अनुभव भी है। यहां की यात्रा से मनुष्य को अपने जीवन के उद्देश्य का बोध होता है और मोक्ष प्राप्ति की दिशा में एक महत्वपूर्ण कदम बढ़ता है। हिमालय की गोद में स्थित इस पवित्र स्थल की यात्रा कठिन हो सकती है, लेकिन इसकी पवित्रता और दिव्यता के कारण यह यात्रा हर भक्त के लिए अविस्मरणीय अनुभव होती है।

Source: google


muktinath, Muktinath Darshan

Places to visit in Muktinath

Many people are not familiar with the Places to visit in Muktinath, Not Everyone is familiar with the wonders that the antiquated and humble sees. It is situated in one of the most strangely gorgeous encompassing that Nepal brings to the table. This sanctuary is devoted to Lord Vishnu’s avatar of equity provider. Anyway, there is something else to this spot besides only the sanctuary. One can enjoy loads of fun exercises and visit various focal points around Muktinath sanctuary. Try not to be oblivious to the open doors that anticipate around the sanctuary.

Below is the list of places that you should visit during the Muktinath trip:

Jwala Mai Temple:

The Jwala Mai Temple falls southward of the main . The temple site features a spring and three eternally burning flames, out of which two are still active. Pilgrims come to the site to pay their tribute to Jwala Mai, the flame goddess who makes her presence felt by burning as eternal flames. Soil, rock and water are the 3 different sources of the 3 different flames respectively. As per myths Lord Brahma had lit up these eternal flames at this spot. Buddhist pilgrims refer to the site as Dhola Mebar and pour in large numbers to pay their tribute.

Jwala Mai (lit. goddess of fire) is the temple of the eternal flame, wich is located inside the Tibetan style Dhola Mebar Gompa, situated to the east of the main Muktinath temple. It is built above an underground water stream, and small natural gas jets underneath the gompa produce continuously burning flames on top of the water.


Muktidhara is the name given to the 108 spouts of water flowing out of unique bull’s mouth-shaped faucets, all arranged successively in a semi-circular pattern and each spout is set one foot apart from each other. This collective fountain of Muktidhara is also located on the temple’s hind side. The waters from Gandaki River flow incessantly from out of the faucets and pilgrims make sure to bathe in this Muktidhara streams in order to free their mind and body of the bad impact of negative deeds prior to entering the Muktinath shrine. However, one requires immense piety and determination to bathe in these streams as the water is freezing cold.

Jomsom Trek:

Jomsom, which is one name that keeps coming up during the Mukti Dham Yatra is not only a highly revered tourist destination but is also one of the most well-known places for exploring the wilderness amidst the pristine beauty of the mustang valley. It is located in close proximity to the temple and visiting here will definitely make you believe that there is more to Muktinath than just a temple. You can pay a visit to the mystical Dhumba Lake and leopard along with get in touch with the traditional Thakali culture making your visit here extremely wholesome.



The beautiful little Buddhist village of Marpha high in the Himalayas. pic credit : istockphoto

The name of this humble village in mustang valley near Muktinath temple literally translates into ‘mar’ meaning hard working and ‘pha’ meaning people. This is a great place if you are interested in experiencing village tourism activities. The cobblestone streets and narrow alleyways seem like you have stepped into Rome or Italy and paints a wonderfully scenic picture making it one of the best places for every photography enthusiast. Although being a small village in the valley it has its own charm and a sense of wonderment.


Situated in close proximity to the beautiful and devotional temple of Muktinath Dham this place is truly a relief from the huge throng of devotees that visit this place for offering their prayer to lord Vishnu here. The Thubchen Gompa here is the primary attraction among the tourists here and apart from this people often love interacting with the local population here while cycling their way through the valley. It is one of the most preferred places around mustang valley for a quick getaway amongst surreal beauty.



This tiny village hamlet is tucked on the upper region of the Mustang valley by the banks of Kali Gandaki River. There are a limited number of people residing in the village here and falls on the trail from Jomsom to Muktinath. Some patches of green vegetation can be seen around here and this perfectly blends with the grey loose rocks of the cold desert that engulf the senses in every way possible. One can come here to clear your mind and rejuvenate you from the inside and help you in finding inner peace.



This quaint hamlet also falls on your way to Muktinath and cannot be avoided so if it falls in your itinerary then it is a must visit. The ethnicity of the people here are Sherpas and Tamang who make the eco and village tourism here extremely worth it. One can witness the surrounding panoramic snow clad views from all sides making every step of the way here as awe inspiring as the other. A prime tourist attraction here is the naturally occurring hot water spring that is believed to get rid of all types of skin and joint related problems and leave you deeply rejuvenated.

Other most visited places are :

  • Tilicho Lake
  • Tansen
  • Sarangkot


muktinath, Muktinath Darshan, Nepal Tour

Muktinath Yatra with Swami ji 2019

Muktinath had always been a holy place for not only Hindu but for other religion like Buddhist also. It was my perception that most Hindus visited this place but I was quite amazed to see people from other religion also visiting there. a few people were there for a spiritual reason and few were for other adventures. Few people were there for traveling purpose.

If you want to feel the Aroma of Nature with the divine feeling of Hindu & Buddha Religion, come to Muktinath, in the Muktinath valley at an altitude of 3,710 meters at the foot of the Thorong La mountain pass (part of the Himalayas) in Mustang, Nepal.


Visiting Muktinath

Visiting Muktinath in Nepal for Religious and spiritual reason:
You can find most people visiting Muktinath for the religious purpose. Hindu used to call it “Mukti Kshetra”, place of liberation or moksha” and The Buddhists call it Chumig Gyatsa, which in Tibetan means “Hundred Waters”. Muktinath (Nepal) is one of the 51 “Shakti Peethams” and also 106th among the available 108 Divya Desam.

swamiji- muktinath-yatra
Visiting Muktinath in Nepal for adventure :
Nepal had numerous adventure sports, paragliding parasailing. you can also take a view of Himalaya using helicopters. you only need to pay a small sum of money. Package starts from 350 USD. People loving adventures visit Annapurna trek. If you don’t want to trek you can also visit there by helicopter. there are separate packages for the same. It starts at 150 USD. It will carry you to Annapurna trek and then leave you there.

muktinath darshan

Visiting Muktinath in Nepal for Exploring:
Once in a lifetime, everyone should visit Nepal. Nepal had a lot of diversity in itself. Different people, tribes, the language will give you a unique experience. If you are an Indian very first impression would be its an India city. Same company bikes car etc will give you feeling of being in India. People also know how to speak in Hindi. You can explore a various place like Kathmandu, Pokhara, Muktinath, Chitwan etc. Visiting Muktinath will give you an amazing experience of spirituality.

Bus HIring nepal


I got a chance to visit Muktinath with Swamiji, that was a really awesome journey which I will always have in my life. Starting from Bus hiring from Gorakhpur we went to Muktinath via Kathmandu and Pokhara. We had a lot of fun activity on our journey, which made our journey full of fun.

bus booking

We were almost 40-50 members, we also had a kitchen staff with us, whose duty was to prepare food as per our menu. His work was awesome. he prepared awesome foods for us. We halted at many places to enjoy the beauty of Nepal. As its maximum part is a hilly area, so you will get many moments to capture mountain valley beauty. Once we reached Muktinath, we were enlightened with joy.we halted there in the night and next morning We made darshan of Muktinath. We went to a few beautiful places which were amazing. After a few pics, we packed our luggage in the hotel and came back to Gorakhpur.



muktinath, Muktinath Darshan

Muktinath Darshan

Muktinath Darshan

Every Year people from many states and from all over the world arrive at Nepal to visit or spend their holidays like Pokhara, Kathmandu, the enchanting and mesmerizing beauty of Himalayas but the most visited place from last many years is Muktinath darshan.
Muktinath had been a sacred place for not only Hindus but also for Buddhism. it is located at 3700 meters approx at Thorong La mountain pass in Mustang. For Hindus it is Muktikshetra.


The central shrine of Sri Muktinath is considered by Hindu Vaishnavas to be one of the eight most-sacred shrines, known as Svayam Vyakta Ksetras; the other seven being Srirangam, Srimushnam, Tirupati, Naimisharanya, Thotadri, Pushkar and Badrinath. The temple is very small. Muktinath is one of the most ancient Hindu temples of God Vishnu. The murti is of gold and is tall enough to compare with[clarification needed] a man.

The Tibetan Buddhist tradition states that Guru Rinpoche, also known as Padmasambhava, the founder of Tibetan Buddhism, had meditated at Muktinath on his way to Tibet. This temple is praised by many saints of Hindu tradition. The scripts narrating the importance of this temple are available in Vishnu Purana with the Gandaki Mahathmya.



Source: wikipedia

Pashupati travels had organized more than 50+ group tours for Muktinath darshan or Muktinath Yatra.not only for Muktinath darshan but for Lumbini, Janakpuri, Kathmandu, Pokhara etc. We had been one of the oldest travel companies in Gorakhpur, We also offer catering, Volvo bus and every sort of other facility required during Muktinath darshan or other.

There are many sources from which you can reach Muktinath.

  • You can Fly Pokhara to Jomsom & hike for 7-8 hours from Jomsom to Muktinath.
  • Jeep are also available from Pokhara to Jomsom via Beni, Ghasa, Tato Pani, Tukuche, Marfa, it takes time about 10-11 hours. There are only 4 WD jeep services after the Jomsom to Ranipauwa nearby Muktinath, it will take around takes 2.30 hours. The road is not good after Beni to Jomsom & Muktinath through the Kaligandaki river bank & hill area.
  • Helicopter charter service / Helicopter are available from Pokhara & Kathmandu.

We are one of the best travel agents in Gorakhpur. For any question please call us at our given contact number on the website.