2024, 2025, Pokhara

पोखरा की खूबसूरत झीलें: नेपाल की नैसर्गिक धरोहर और आकर्षण का केंद्र

पोखरा की खूबसूरत झीलें: नेपाल की नैसर्गिक धरोहर और आकर्षण का केंद्र

पोखरा, जिसे नेपाल का “झीलों का शहर” कहा जाता है, अपनी प्राकृतिक सुंदरता, शांत वातावरण और अद्भुत झीलों के लिए विश्वभर में प्रसिद्ध है। हिमालय की गोद में बसे इस शहर की झीलें न केवल पर्यटकों को लुभाती हैं बल्कि स्थानीय संस्कृति और जीवनशैली का भी अहम हिस्सा हैं। यहां की झीलें अपने शांत पानी, चारों ओर फैले हरे-भरे परिदृश्य और बर्फ से ढकी पर्वत चोटियों के प्रतिबिंब के लिए जानी जाती हैं। यदि आप प्राकृतिक सुंदरता, रोमांच और सांस्कृतिक अनुभव की तलाश में हैं, तो पोखरा की झीलें आपकी यात्रा को अविस्मरणीय बना सकती हैं।

पोखरा की झीलों की यात्रा क्यों करें?

  1. प्रकृति की अद्भुत छटा:
    पोखरा की झीलें शांत और निर्मल जल, चारों ओर हरियाली और दूर तक फैली हिमालय की चोटियों के सुंदर प्रतिबिंब के लिए प्रसिद्ध हैं। यहां का वातावरण आपको मानसिक शांति और प्राकृतिक ऊर्जा का अनुभव कराएगा।
  2. साहसिक गतिविधियों का केंद्र:
    झीलों के शांत पानी में बोटिंग, कायकिंग और तैराकी जैसे रोमांचक खेल आपकी यात्रा को रोमांचक बना देंगे। इसके अलावा, आसपास के क्षेत्रों में ट्रेकिंग, पैराग्लाइडिंग और माउंटेन बाइकिंग जैसे साहसिक खेलों का आनंद भी लिया जा सकता है।
  3. आध्यात्मिक और सांस्कृतिक अनुभव:
    पोखरा की झीलों के आसपास के क्षेत्र न केवल प्राकृतिक सुंदरता बल्कि धार्मिक और सांस्कृतिक धरोहरों से भी परिपूर्ण हैं। फेवा झील के बीच स्थित ताल बाराही मंदिर एक महत्वपूर्ण धार्मिक स्थल है, जहां हर साल हजारों श्रद्धालु आते हैं। इसके अलावा, स्थानीय गाँवों का दौरा कर आप नेपाली संस्कृति, लोककथाओं और परंपराओं को करीब से जान सकते हैं।
  4. शांति और सुकून:
    यदि आप शहरी जीवन की भागदौड़ से दूर कुछ शांत समय बिताना चाहते हैं, तो पोखरा की झीलें आपको एकांत और सुकून का अनुभव कराती हैं। यहाँ के शांतिपूर्ण वातावरण में योग, ध्यान और प्रकृति के साथ जुड़ाव का अनुभव किया जा सकता है।
  5. फोटोग्राफी के शौकीनों के लिए स्वर्ग:
    पोखरा की झीलों और हिमालय की चोटियों का अद्भुत दृश्य फोटोग्राफी के लिए आदर्श है। सूर्योदय और सूर्यास्त के समय झीलों पर पड़ने वाली रोशनी का प्रतिबिंब एक मंत्रमुग्ध कर देने वाला दृश्य प्रस्तुत करता है, जो आपकी यादों को और भी खास बना देगा।

पोखरा की प्रमुख झीलें

1. फेवा झील (Phewa Lake)

pokhara - Nepal Tour Packages

फेवा झील पोखरा की सबसे प्रसिद्ध और बड़ी झील है। यह झील पर्यटकों के बीच बोटिंग, कायकिंग और फोटोग्राफी के लिए लोकप्रिय है। झील के बीचों-बीच स्थित ताल बाराही मंदिर इसकी एक खास पहचान है।

  • क्यों जाएं: शांत पानी में बोटिंग, अन्नपूर्णा पर्वत श्रृंखला का सुंदर प्रतिबिंब और ताल बाराही मंदिर का धार्मिक महत्व।
  • आकर्षण: सूर्यास्त का अद्भुत दृश्य, रोमांटिक बोटिंग और झील किनारे कैफे का अनुभव।

2. बेगनास झील (Begnas Lake)

शहर की हलचल से दूर स्थित बेगनास झील शांति और सुकून की चाह रखने वालों के लिए एक आदर्श स्थान है। यहाँ मछली पकड़ना और तैराकी जैसी शांतिपूर्ण गतिविधियाँ लोकप्रिय हैं।

  • क्यों जाएं: भीड़भाड़ से दूर, प्राकृतिक सुकून और स्थानीय जीवन का अनुभव।
  • आकर्षण: मछली पकड़ना, झील किनारे के रिसॉर्ट्स में ठहरना और पक्षियों की चहचहाहट का आनंद लेना।

3. रुपा झील (Rupa Lake)

रुपा झील पक्षी प्रेमियों के लिए एक आदर्श स्थान है। यहां आप विभिन्न स्थानीय और प्रवासी पक्षियों की प्रजातियों को देख सकते हैं।

  • क्यों जाएं: प्रकृति के करीब और शांतिपूर्ण माहौल में समय बिताने के लिए।
  • आकर्षण: पक्षी दर्शन, हाइकिंग और ग्रामीण जीवन का अनुभव।

4. दीपांग झील (Dipang Lake)

यह झील अपने प्राकृतिक और रोमांचक अनुभव के लिए जानी जाती है। यह स्थान ट्रेकिंग और कैंपिंग के लिए उपयुक्त है।

  • क्यों जाएं: भीड़ से दूर, प्रकृति के बीच कैंपिंग और ट्रेकिंग का आनंद लेने के लिए।
  • आकर्षण: ट्रेकिंग, कैंपिंग और सुंदर परिदृश्य।

5. मैदी झील (Maidi Lake)

मैदी झील एकांत में समय बिताने और प्रकृति के करीब आने के लिए बेहतरीन स्थान है।

  • क्यों जाएं: पिकनिक के लिए आदर्श स्थान और शांत वातावरण।
  • आकर्षण: झील के किनारे आराम, फोटोग्राफी और प्रकृति के साथ समय बिताना।

Pashupati Travels (Nepal Travel agents): Best Packages for Nepal

पोखरा की झीलें केवल भौगोलिक सुंदरता नहीं हैं, बल्कि यह आपके दिल और दिमाग को सुकून और ऊर्जा से भर देती हैं। यहां की यात्रा आपको न केवल प्रकृति से जुड़ने का मौका देती है बल्कि साहसिक और सांस्कृतिक अनुभवों से भी परिचित कराती है। चाहे आप शांति के प्रेमी हों, रोमांच के दीवाने हों, या आध्यात्मिक खोज पर हों, पोखरा की झीलें हर किसी के लिए खास अनुभव प्रदान करती हैं। आपकी यह यात्रा जीवनभर के लिए यादगार साबित होगी।

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Hill station, Pokhara

Hill Station trip can become nightmare.Always keep these points in mind

Hill Station Trip:

The first thing which came into our mind, when we plan for a trip to a hill station is a mountain covered with green forest, teak, oak trees, Mesmerizing beauty, sunrise, sunset, etc… As per the discussion with most people, their first choice to visit any place during the summer season is always a hill station. They would choose a nearby hill station during their weekend as it can be easily covered in 2-3 days or if they have a long weekend they can spend their quality time. Also, in case they need hiking or camping they love to go to any of the nearby hill stations.

There are a few things which we should always check before visiting a Hill station, else this can become a nightmare.

1. Avoid Rainy Season
2. Take Extra clothes
3. Check on the internet for Landslides

hill station

Avoid the Rainy season:
Always try to avoid visiting the hill station during the rainy season, Rain is very common in hilly areas, and many times there become a flood situation during the rainy season. Avoid camping or adventure sports. There have been many incidents when people went missing and caused many mishappenings.
When am writing this post a few days earlier in this month of September end, there had been a lot of rain in hilly areas near Shimla & Manali areas and due to this many people went missing also there were a lot of other people who went missing.

hill station cloths

Take extra clothes:
In hilly areas, it’s very common that it starts raining, and in the month of May to September when other parts of the country are suffering from heat waves and summer, these areas remain very cold at night time as well as daytime. So always be prepared for it. Take a few extra clothes. Keeping some warm clothes as well as a raincoat is also recommended. It is also advisable to keep an extra pair of shoes with you. If you are planning for these hill stations and there is snowfall then taking shoes that have spikes in them will help you to walk on snow deposits on the hill. Being an adventure-loving person helps a lot in trekking.

Hill Station landslides

Check on the internet for Landslides:
You can get news about current climate conditions in any particular hill station and check other news like current weather temperature, landslides, etc. You can get every detail above on my website. Earlier it was not easy to get details but now where everyone owns a smartphone, there are many apps through which you can get information.

Also, few of the points mentioned below will help you a lot.

  1. While traveling always carry a Plastic Bag. it will help you to keep your electronic gadget wallet and another important thing, as rain is a normal thing in hill stations.
  2. Carry an adequate amount of cash: It can help you a lot as many of the remote area you wont find ATM or cash withdrawl machine
  3. Confirm your bookings a week in advance before you set out for the journey. Make sure you call your hotel, check the status of your tickets and any other bookings if made.
  4. Don’t forget to keep some packaged eatables like chocolates, biscuits, candies wafers, and preservative juice handy. This is in the case of an emergency– you get stuck at an isolated place or your vehicle breaks down. You won’t have to run around for food when hunger strikes.
  5. Driving on the hilly terrains requires some expertise. With sharp turns and rocky edges, be sure to brush up your driving skills. However, it would be more advisable to hire an experienced driver.

Basically, there are many quick air services (Ambulance and emergency) that help you in all cases. then also we should always be ready and try to carry all safety kits with us and avoid traveling in such cases.

We Pashupati travels located in Gorakhpur provide you with all sorts of details about your tour or travel destination. We also plan for your holiday. We have many packages for different locations. We organize tours to various destinations in Nepal and India.
For inquiries or any travel questions just dial us at our given number.

Source and images:


2024, 2025, Buddhist places, Hill station, MINI SWITZERLAND, Nepal Destinations, Pokhara

Best Places to vist in Pokhara

Nepal is known for its magnificent beauty and is considered to be a paradise for travelers as there are so many majestic places to visit in Pokhara and soak in the natural delight. Pokhara is one of these places and it possesses a great gift of extreme natural beauty. This beauty is nestled in the Annapurna range, which is the tenth highest mountain in the world. This Himalayan paradise is adorned with stunning views of mountains in the backdrop and the amazing nature of this city makes this a popular tourist destination.


Best Places to Visit in Pokhara

Pokhara is one of most amazing place with mesmerizing beauty of himalayas, we recommend you to visit these places while you are on the pokhara tour or if you are planning for a trip to Nepal than this post is highly recomended.

Barahi Temple:

Barahi temple

This temple is settled in the vicinity of Phewa Lake and preached by many people. This place is always filled with religious people that have faith in deities and they also sometimes sacrifice birds and animals as an offering to God. The scenic beauty around this place is marvellous and you can hire a boat to travel to this place and also explore the wilderness around this lake. Location: Phewa Lake

International Museum:


It is one of the most popular and known places in Pokhara. The natural beauty that surrounds this place is aesthetic and if you want to know more about the mountains and the history related to it then you must visit this museum. There are some great documentaries that you can view to gain deeper knowledge about the mountains. Location: Pardi Bazaar, 33700


sarangkot nepal

This city is one of the popular cities in Nepal and is a great tourist spot. Away from the city noise, this city is on the outskirts of Pokhara tourists places. Sarangkot is known for its amazing paragliding experience. There are many other adventurous sports around this place and it will keep you busy every waking minute. Location: Pokhara, Nepal

Pokhara Shanti stupa:


This pagoda is situated on top of the Phewa Tal. It is also known as the world peace pagoda. This sparkling white dome was built as a symbol of peace by some monks. The stupa has two tiers which are for tourists and religious people. There are many ways to reach this stupa like hiking, boating and walking through a jungle. The second tier has four Buddha statues that represent some important parts of Buddha’s life. Location: Lumbini Sanskritik, 32914

Gupteshwar Mahadev Cave:


This cave is near the Davis fall and has a spiral staircase that leads you to the entrance this cave. The naturally formed structure which resembles the Shiva Lingam is believed to be old houses of people. This magnificent cave was discovered by the locals in the 16th century and has great religious and tourist importance. Location: Tashi Ling settlement, Chorepattan

 Shree Gaden Dhargay Ling Monastery:


Another monastery is located in the Tashi Ling Tibetan Camp in Pokhara. This place has a strong spiritual vibe. Tourists and visitors are allowed to sit for the long prayer which is a phenomenal experience. Long prayers are chanted by monks and the whole vibe of this place will lift your spirits and give you inner peace. Location: Pokhara, Nepal

Jangchub Choeling Gompa:

Jangchub Choeling Gompa:

This monastery is situated in the Tibetan refugee settlement in Pokhara and was built as a centre of Buddhist services and ceremonies. Dalai Lama has named this place and this beautiful structure has its own history to tell. Built-in a Tibetan style, the hall of this monastery is spectacular and is used for prayer rituals. The main highlight of this place is the 7-foot-long copper and gold plated Buddha statue which is surrounded by 1000 miniatures of Buddha. Location: Baglung Rajmarg, Pokhara 33700

Old Bazaar:

old bazaar

If you need a break shopping or just roaming around in Pokhara, then the old bazaar is the best place you can choose. This place is just 4km away from Phewa Lake and is like a traditional bazaar with a diverse range of traders. The Bindhyabasini Mandir, one of the most important shrines in Pokhara is located in this Bazaar. Location: Ganeshman Sinha Maarga, Pokhara 33700, Nepal

Davis Fall:

Davis Fall

This stunning waterfall is just about 2 km away from the Pokhara airport. The major source of water of this waterfall is Phewa Lake. The name of this fall is derived from a very unfortunate incident where a woman drowned and was perished in the falls and her name was ‘Davi’. The mystery of this fall is what attracts the visitors the most as the water does not flow to a river or lagoon but into a pitch dark hole that disappears in the caves. Location: Pokhara 33700, Nepal

Phewa Lake:

Phewa Lake

This lake is both a man-made and natural freshwater lake, it is also the most visited spot in Pokhara, Annapurna. This lake is the second largest lake in Nepal and many water activities like canoeing, boating, swimming, sailing, fishing, kayaking and bird watching are done here. There is a Barahi Temple which stands on an island in this lake is dedicated to the Varaha where devotees sacrifice birds and animals every Saturday. Location: Kaski, Pokhara

Know more about lakes in Pokhara

Where to Stay in Pokhara:

You can get many hotels and resorts also in Pokhara, but we would recommend you to stay near Phewa lake. there are a lot of hotels available whose range starts from 1000 rupee(Nepal). While taking a room in any hill station we would also advise you to get proper information and room types (with or without balcony) (AC Non AC). Usually, Ac blower is chargeable, it could charge you around 500 Nepali currency for one night.

You can also stay in any resort , you can get a list of many on the internet. you can also contact us for best hotel type and with best available discounts.

Source: Google


Hill station, Nepal Tour, Pokhara

Bus and Cab Hiring for Nepal

Bus and Cab Hiring for Nepal

Planning for a group tour, Cab Hiring or bus hiring for Nepal, here are a few options for a group tour for which you should take care of. first of all, You should think of no of people in your group. we can divide your group into 3 section

  • 4-6 people
  • 6-15 people
  • More than 15 people

4-6 people: For 4-6 people we always recommend you to prefer an SUV where you can adjust easily, being a long journey you can easily relax. there are a number of travel agents available nearby Nepal from India, who can provide you SUV at minimum cost. SUV is the best option for travelling in Nepal, where can go for a hangout with your friends. You see rivers, mountains on the roadside, all you need is only a light music and you will have one of best ever experience with your friends.

car booking nepal

car booking nepal

6-15 people: We recommend you to book a Tempo traveler for your convenience, You can have a lot of fun while watching the mesmerizing beauty of Nepal. you an easily get Tempo traveler from many agents nearby Nepal, which will provide you at an affordable price of 15-17 rs Per Km.


bus hiring and tempo traveler hiring for Nepal

More than 15 people: Hiring a bus is one of the best places for your trip to Pokhara, Muktinath, Kathmandu or any hill stations or any places where you have your whole group of friends, relatives or any.

Also read : Top 3 Hill Station Nightmares

We recommend you to hire a bus for your tour, many groups also love to have a kitchen option with them as they love have self-cooking food for all. Bus hiring option is cheaper than booking than 2 or more tempo traveler. Also, bus hiring can be done from anywhere nearby Nepal border. Best entering point to Nepal is Gorakhpur, where bus Hiring facility can be availed.

Bus hiring for nepal

Bus hiring for nepal pashupati travels

people stay with their group at a few pre-booked points where kitchen staffs will prepare the food for the entire group.There are  Few checkpoints , where you pay the Toll fees and enjoy the whole tour.

Pashupati Nath tour and travels is a leading bus hiring facility provider in Nepal for the entire destination. You can also hire a kitchen staff with you, A guide will be there with you to guide you.



2016 Hot Topic, Adventure Place, Nepal Tour, Pokhara

5 things to keep on Pokhara trip

Pokhara Trip: Beauty along with Adventure

Pokhara is a beautiful city, situated in a valley created by the rising of the snow-capped Himalayan Mountains that seem to pierce the sky in the distance.Pokhara trip has always been on top destination place.

Planning to visit or thinking to make a tour in Nepal Than this blog s for you.

We should keep few things in our mind in Pokhara Trip (Nepal).

Pokhara View

Pokhara is the third largest city in Nepal, located 200km to the West of Kathmandu. Three out of the ten highest mountains in the world, including the renowned Annapurna are within 30 miles of the city, making it Nepal’s top trekking destination. The best time to visit Pokhara is from September to November and the again early May. Places to visit in pokhara are; Fewa Lake, Begnas lake and Rupa lake, Barahi temple, World Peace Pagoda, Seti Gandaki, Devi’s Fall, Gupteswar Gupha (cave), Mahendra Gupha(cave), Chameri Gupha (Bats Cave), The Old Bazaar, Bindbyabasini Temple, Matepani Gumbha (Buddhist Monastery), Bhadrakali Mandir, Regional Museum, International Mountain Museum, Gorkha Memorial Museum, Annapurna Museum.

POkhara trip-any time

POkhara trips


Plenty of adventure sports and activity options are vailable on this trip. like:-  paragliding, bungee jumping, white water rafting, trekking, and more in the mountains.

Try yoga at sunrise on top of a hill, or row across the still waters of Phewa Lake. Hiking to the Shanti Stupa. Finally, in the evenings there are many more restaurants to help you relaxing after a day on the wards or at the weekends.

Important things in Pokhara

5 things which we should must keep with us on pokhara trip or any hill station: –

  1. must have proper identity cards and some money, debit & credit cards.
  2. keep warm cloths, shawls, blankets, jackets and comfortable walking shoes.
  3. first-aid kit and some general medicines for emergency needs.
  4. keep some packed eatables and water bottles.
  5. have an umbrella, a handy torch, some skin moisturizers, mosquito repellent, sunglasses and camera etc.

POkhara trip

POkhara trip : min switzerland

Source (Pokhara Trip Blog):



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